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How to Wear Ties Casually

If you are invited to a casual event, there is generally no strict dress code and you can dress in whichever style you see fit. The most classic casual look is a simple polo shirt or a white shirt with chinos - you'll always look good. If however there is a slightly more formal touch required, it would be better to wear a crisp, white shirt with a casual looking tie. Sober, finely crafted and not too long, the tie must be an accessory that is noticeable only for its elegance and that of the wearer.
How to Wear Tie Casually      
Different Types of Ties
Choose a type of tie that matches the shirt you are going to wear. Note that not all neckties are good for all shirts. Generally, wide ties are for shirts with wide collars and narrow ties are for shirts with narrow collars. Importantly, the tie should not have a design similar to the print of the shirt, as there will be too much of a clash. It's far more advisable to wear plain ties with patterned shirts and patterned ties with plain shirts. Choose appealing colours to enhance your outfit but still show off your personal flair. Keep in mind the textures and materials - generally, cottons and linens are great for casual events whilst the satins and silks are great for formal, evening wear. If you are going to wear a wool jacket or blazer, you should use wear wool or thick-material tie to complement your ensemble.
How to wear tie casually-OTAA   
Currently, it is necessary to wear casual clothes for informal occasions, but this depends on the occasion since there are some that definitely require an implicit protocol in which a tie should be worn. A well-worn tie will give an air of elegance and very good taste, but if not worn properly in the correct size, length and design, it may not leave as much of an impression.
What costs us the most time, without a doubt, is choosing the right tie to begin with - the one that best complements the shirt and suit. Everything seems correct but sometimes, we forget the most basic thing: to wear the tie correctly!
Bow Ties and Originality
How to Wear Tie Casually    
There was a time when the bow tie was only worn on special occasions, accompanied by an impeccable tuxedo. Then, like all men's accessories, the designers and the creatives diverted its initial use to test bowties on casual occasions instead. Trendier, dandier and informal, the bow tie is now worn on all occasions and the proposed patterns are increasingly elaborative. If you are young and you are going to a classy and trendy event, go for a bowtie with a slightly offbeat pattern.
Ties With Sweaters
The tie and sweater give a warm, less formal look when combined with a coat or blazer. It is an outfit totally adapted to the season. For the colour, choose something neutral and avoid the flashy colours that would create an imbalance in the nuances of your outfit. Wearing a tie with a sweater makes the accessory less visible but no less appealing and gives great freedom when it comes to adding other accessories.
 How to wear tie casually-OTAA   
Ensure you take time and make a big effort with the knot of the tie. It must be adapted and balanced to the collar of your shirt; the wider the neck and collar, the bigger the knot. We advise people with a strong, broad build to wear a Double Windsor Knot and those with a finer, smaller build to wear a simple yet elegant knot. Combining the tie knot smoothly with the rest of the outfit is just one element of your getup that will make a huge difference to the elegance of your look.
How to Wear Tie Casually    
Wearing a tie well in place and properly tied is a very simple task. Before going out, stop! Yes, stop! Remember these basic points:
The knot of the tie must be well made and care should be taken with the width and style of the knot. It should not look like it is going to be undone at any moment. The tie knot must be tightly closed and stuck to the neck of the shirt. You should not see the top button of the shirt, the one that closes the neck. If you use a small collar shirt, do not tie a big knot.
Never Wear Shirts with Buttons on the Neck
 How to Wear Tie Casually  
Although you see it in many movies, a shirt with buttons on the neck should not be worn with a tie. The buttons on the neck are not there to hold the tie. Instead, they have been placed to support thin shirt collars. When knotting the tie, you must control the length of the tie so that neither of the two ends pass below the waist (but make sure it's long enough to cover the belt of the pants).
Take the measurements of the tie too. Break some rules and choose a tie that doesn’t touch the top of your belt, but falls just below it or completely covers it. To achieve a casual look, choose a tie with a width that is equal or very close to the width of the lapel on your jacket. 
How to wear tie casually-OTAA   
Although wearing certain types of ties is to achieve a more relaxed look, the goal is not to lose the overall sophistication of the look. This is why it is vital to wear a lighter fabric and neutral colours without stripes, thus maintaining uniformity and elegance. Another key to wear the tie casually is that the shirt and suit should be of different tones. For example, if you opt for a navy blue jacket and pants, the shirt should be of the opposite colour in a lighter shade.
How to wear tie casually-OTAA   
For a casual event you can wear whatever your heart desires, even if you choose to break the rules imposed by fashion trends. Do you want to wear a tie with a bright shirt and a cardigan? Go ahead! You can show your own personal style with ties made of fashionable prints and lighter materials. You can also frame your tie with other accessories in bright colours, such as lapel pins and collar stays. If you exaggerate the colours and layers of accessories, you will end up with the style of the musician Pee-Wee Herman. But at least he had a style. Now you know the rules to carry a casual look with an elegant tie. The casual tie will definitely not go out of style.
Casual Ties OTAA   

Peter Marshall is a legend amongst the men of OTAA. Sharp dressed to a point, only his wit has more edge.
An English gentleman, lover of business and an avid blogger




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