Christian Forbes
Mr. Christian Forbes looks incredibly good in every outfit he carries. Although we have already seen him in his overflowing looks of virility, it surprises us when Mr. Forbes shows that he has his own signature style. It’s not a copy of the fictional character, Mr. Forbes wears sober colours, wool, high collars, neck ties and all ultra-masculine pieces, and to the right extent. That is the order that defines one of the best-dressed Men of OTAA.
Kind of a personal question, but we are curious. How does your typical day look like?
“I wake up at about 4:55 am, get dressed and head to work. I open up my office, and take a million phone calls and answer 8,000 emails till about 3:30. Then I pick up my nephews from school and do homework with them until about 6:30 (I try to exercise while we do homework) after homework we hit the video games pretty hard until dinner time, which is normally at 7:30”.
“After Dinner, I drop them off to their mom/my sister. Then I start putting together outfits that need to be photographed that weekend and take care of any scheduling or emails that didn’t get covered at work. I usually get to bed by 11-11:30 pm”
Its weekend and you decide to go out to breakfast at a nice restaurant with your best friends. What do you wear on a casual Saturday?
“Jeans, I love jeans! If I’m going anywhere on a casual Saturday I’m going in jeans and a t-shirt! If I’m just staying home, then it’s boxers and a t-shirt in the summer and sweat pants and a t-shirt in the winter”.
Other than being a fashion blogger and a tie lover, what Mr. Forbes likes outside of fashion?
“Well, Outside of fashion I love comic books, video games, and movies”.
We know you would like to be more sociable and feel how your self-esteem improves a day. Which social media platform are you most active on?
“Definitely Instagram”
A holiday spending is not a fashion imposed by the time of cuts. 24 Hours in New York, where would you go?
“Sbarros!!!! Then off to Marisa Tomei’s house to ask her two questions”.
“Question 1: Will you marry me?”
“Question 2: Please?”
There is nothing to do, the seats are not so comfortable, the hours do not pass - International flights can sometimes seem endless (more in the tourist class). Do you have any tips on travelling long flights?
“Movies, Books and a fully charged iPad and you survive this arduous journey”
Mr. Forbes, there are many really cool tech gadgets out there, is there any cool tech you are using?
He replied: “Fitbit. It’s great! It shows just how lazy actually I am”
When we asked about his most recommended movies, we got a small personalized list which includes: “The Goonies, the Princess Bride and the Karate Kid”
Success is different for a trucker, for a footballer, or for a blogger. What is your criterion to measure success?
“To me, success is measured in happiness. You could have the best job, you could be wealthy, you could own everything, but, if you’re not happy then what does it really matter?”
We love his fidelity to the classic colours which create elegance in his style. He is not obsessed with fashion but dresses well. Mr. Forbes is not a designer, he is a magician. Even when he gives attention to his casual days, he does so with grace and sobriety.