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What Kinds of Cufflinks are There?

It's normal to look to ties and pocket squares to change up your daily routine. More often than not, cufflinks are overlooked because they're a small feature in relation to the rest of your outfit. But when it comes to adding that perfect finishing touch to your suit, no tie can ever take the place of a dashing pair of cufflinks. Their timeless elegance, supreme opulence and superb versatility makes cufflinks a faultless choice for bringing finesse to your attire. 





Whether you're attending a formal event or you simply want to spruce up your corporate routine, a pair of cufflinks adds a finishing touch that can make the rest of your outfit look that bit more expensive. Sometimes you have to spend a bit extra in the beginning to earn a wealth of respect in the long run. 


Knowing your way around a pair of cufflinks takes a little bit of care. There's a handful of different cufflink styles and designs you need to be aware of. As you become more accustomed to the various options, you'll be able to define which style works best for you. 


In a general sense, it's important to remember that the face, or emblem, of your cufflinks should always face your peers. This means that you should secure your cufflinks by passing the back of them through the outside of your sleeves towards the inside. This will ensure that people will get to admire the view!


Cufflink Styles

1. Bullet Back Cufflinks
2. Whale Back Cufflinks
3. Fixed Back Cufflinks
4. Ball Return Cufflinks
5. Chain Style Cufflinks


Cufflink Styles


Bullet Back Cufflinks


Bullet back cufflinks are one of the most common, and universally known cufflinks you can possibly find. If you purchase a pair of bullet back cufflinks you'll be joining a long line of gentlemen who have worn them flawlessly for decades. Bullet back cufflinks include a metal bar that attaches to the bridge of the cufflinks. This metal bar, which has a bullet aesthetic, rotates 90 degrees so that you can pass it through your cuffs easily. When you want to pass it through your sleeve, just rotate the bullet vertically for an easy transition. Once it's been passed through, rotate the bullet horizontally so that it's secured.

Bullet Back Cufflinks

Whale Back Cufflinks


Whale back cufflinks involve a similar concept to bullet back cufflinks. They include a 90 degree rotating bar that attaches to a metal bridge. The main difference is that whale back cufflinks have a short, usually rectangular, thick rotating bar. This bar can be rotated vertically when you're sliding the cufflinks on, and then they can be rotated horizontally to secure the cufflink in place. 

 Whale Back Cufflinks

Fixed Back Cufflinks


Fixed back cufflinks have no movable parts. They slide through the cuffs of your sleeve without needing to make any adjustments. They usually have a discernible front and back because one side will generally be bigger than the other. The advantage of this style of cufflinks is that you don't have to worry about adjusting it. 

Fixed Back Cufflinks

Ball Return Cufflinks


A variation on the fixed back cufflink, the ball return cufflink includes rounded fixtures on both ends. It operates in the same way as a fixed back cufflink does as it doesn't require any adjustments. The main difference of a ball return cufflink is that it has ball fixtures on both sides and it usually has one side is bigger than the other. The smaller side will constitute the back of the cufflink. 

Ball Return Cufflinks

Chain Style Cufflinks


Chain style cufflinks are unique in that they have a flexible bridge that connects the front and back ends of the cufflinks. A small metal chain bridges both ends together and it slides through the holes of the cuffs. The chain style cufflink is not as common as the other styles and can sometimes be a bit fiddly to put on. However, a sleek advantage is that they are usually decorated on both sides. 



 Chain Cufflinks






Peter Marshall is a legend amongst the men of OTAA. Sharp dressed to a point, only his wit has more edge.
An English gentleman, lover of business and an avid blogger




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